Unexpected Beauty

Clouded water reflecting the sky

Unnoticed by most passing by

Dying vines embracing the trees

As if to suffocate the air we breathe

Roots exposed from years of wear

Creeks with no water left to spare

Paths engraved by terror unknown

Where is the life that calls this home

A trap of briars for whom dare pass

Hints of shade the trees oft cast

Beauty is always hidden around

It’s up to you if it be found

“There’s always beauty if you know how to see it.” This came to me after spending the day in nature observing and exploring while my husband enjoyed a round of disc golf. I was reminded that not everyone sees things the same way. Most people would walk past the things I find intriguing and not think twice. Several times this weekend I took a second look, maybe from a different angle, and enjoyed pieces of art that were naturally arranged. Next time you walk past an “eye sore” try looking at it from a different perspective. You may just be surprised at what you find.

-A Guardian or Memories

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