
Oh how I miss the breeze through the trees

When I take each step through the sea of leaves

A wave of happiness washes over me

Knowing I am finally free

Free of the mundane life that surrounds

Of the anxiety that always makes it’s rounds

Free from the turmoil which smothers the world

The thoughts in my mind as they are hurled

Far away though it still seems near

Until I finally step out and face my fear

A destination with a view so clear

Nothing to hinder my unclouded perception

As I sit and ponder upon the sky’s reflection

Unbeknownst to me I am finally home

In a place that’s free where I belong

Miles from the address that holds my name

But in a place that means the same

Oh nature how do I leave behind the beauty

To go back to world that leaves me moody?

-A Guardian of Memories


Something we take for granted
Each breath we are given,
A choice for something more,
Yet many throw it away
Like yesterday’s trash.

Thoughts of wanting more,
But doing nothing to get it,
As if it should be handed
Neatly on a silver platter,
Oblivious to anything
That requires extra effort.

Nothing is promised,
Not our next breath,
Not love and acceptance,
Not our freedom,
Some things have a cost,
And it must be paid.

A precious gift
Treat it as such.


-A Guardian of Memories